Authorities in New Mexico will not seek charges against three police officers involved in a fatal shooting after arriving at the wrong house last year.
Officers in the town of Farmington fired dozens of shots and killed Robert Dotson, 52, because he appeared at the door of his home holding a gun.
At the time, the officers were responding to a domestic violence call from a house across the street.
The Dotson family filed a lawsuit against the department last year.
According to a complaint filed by the family in court, police arrived at the Dotson residence late on 5 April, 2023 and “parked down the street and did not have their lights on”.
When Mr Dotson opened his front door holding a weapon, police immediately opened fire, striking him 12 times. Another 19 shots were fired at his wife Kimberly, who was unharmed during the incident. Police later said she opened fire on officers with a pistol.
They took 19 shots at the wife and didn’t hit her? Not only are these people disgusting but they can’t even do this part of the job fucking right.
I can do you better. There was a high profile police, er, “shooting” in my town back in the early 2000’s that made front page in the papers because four cops fired 204 shots at some guys – for those keeping score at home, that’s four Barney Fifes with three complete magazines, two reloads each out of their issued Glock 17’s – and hit no one.
So they succeeded in doing nothing but putting holes in a bunch of people’s cars, a couple of rowhouses, lampposts, mailboxes, etc., and failed to even so much as wing any of the multiple alleged perps. I mean, they didn’t manage to nail any innocent bystanders or people sleeping in their beds or anything for once, either. Ludicrous levels of wanton and irresponsible property damage and potential injury or death dealt to anyone within a radius of who knows how many blocks, not a single care given, for no benefit whatsoever. You know, just business as usual.
To this day I wonder if there actually were any perps, or if some cops just decided they wanted to shoot up a poor inner city neighborhood for yuks and get away with it.
We have stormtroopers, but at least stormtroopers look cool or something?
There’s a fan theory that they were ordered to miss, at least to miss Luke and Leia.
They fly now??
Ugh, sorry
She fired at them. Those were retreating shots.
I did not realize that I will be reading a post of a person who is upset that additional innocent person was not shot dead.
Weird takeaway but okay? Jesus ever living fuck this place is turning into reddit fast. I’m very clearly saying it’s pathetic that they are failures at even being killers as well. They can’t even be the pieces of shit they want to be right. Not that I’m disappointed that they didn’t manage to kill her.
And you know that. But you just desperately wanted a moral high ground. So I guess clap yourself on the back my man.
Hey, chill. All I wanted is to joke.
No you didn’t. That was clearly serious.
Now you are reading my brain.
No I’m reading your words and the clear intent behind them. But I can show that I’m reading your brain. As I said you still have the stench of Reddit on you and that’s your sudden change. It has nothing to do with what I’ve said it has to do with you seeing the downvotes and that triggered your ‘must change opinio instantly’ response.
And even before that I’m just fucking done with people like you. Instigators. You saw my comment, clearly knew what it was really about, but had to jump in and try to turn it into something else, turn me into the bad guy, just so you could be the bright shiny example of humanity.
When, instead, you’re nothing but a negative presence when you behave like this.
Damn now that’s how you do a callout
I am on kbin, and as of now I see zero downvotes for my and your posts. And yes, I found hilarious that you were upset about this situation. Sorry that you do not understand my humor. And don’t go ballistic, sometimes you just have to trust people when they tell you about their intentions.
Dude just fuck off with your moral high ground bullshit.
duuuuuuuuuuuuuude get another drug besides huffing your own farts
He wasn’t though. You misread or misrepresented his response my man
19 shots fired at a person without hitting means 19 chances to hit something, or someone, else.
Bullets don’t just vanish when they miss the target.
These cops have such shit aim, and such shit investigative talent, that they fail at every single metric. They should be in prison, but failing that, they should not be cops.
I don’t think anyone’s upset she lived, but there have been a lot of cases where officer’s inability to aim have added a lot of casualties from hitting random people in their field of fire.
I think the cops might be. It’s police policy to empty the entire magazine if you plan on shooting at all, and to always shoot to kill. That’s how they’re “trained.”
Dead people don’t talk and can’t sue.