Peter Thiel, the billionaire co-founder of PayPal, has joined a multi-million dollar investment in the controversial Enhanced Games, a proposed Olympics-style mega-event without drug testing.
The idea is the brainchild of Dr Aron D’Souza, the Australian lawyer who helped mastermind Thiel’s proxy war against news media organisation Gawker, which led to Gawker’s bankruptcy in 2016.
But in a recent interview with The Independent, D’Souza was defiant, and outlined how he hoped the Enhanced Games would not only shake up the world of sport, but would provide a public platform for life-extending science to thrive.
“This is the route towards eternal life,” D’Souza said. “It’s how we bring about performance-medicine technologies, that then create a feedback cycle of good technologies, selling to the world, more revenue, more R&D, to develop better and better technologies.
“And what is performance medicine about? It’s not about steroids and getting jacked muscles. It’s about being a better, stronger, faster, younger athlete for longer. And who doesn’t want to be younger for longer?”
Performance enhancing steroids - famously known for extending athletes lives and doing nothing weird to their junk.
Just admit you’ve been watching old SNL clips on YouTube, Pete.
Thiel is 56. He probably watched it live. And if he didn’t, I’m sure he’s good buddies with that asshole Dennis Miller and I’m equally sure Dennis Miller spends way too much time talking about his glory days on SNL, so he’s probably heard every joke from that segment dozens of times.
This is the same guy trying to build some paradise city in another third world country.
This is going to end with him brutally murdered in his huge paradise office by a race of half human, steroid infused crazed people with implants in their head.
Perfect setting for a videogame where you could find Leland Stanford’s pocket watch as a legendary item that gives your character bonuses to saving rolls or something (he had a reputation for incredible dumb luck)
On a related note, everyone should read “Palo Alto: A History of California, Capitalism, and the World” and, like, among other things, the crazy animal torturing experiments that went down at the stock farm of the Standford University founder because California oligarchs have always been deranged like this and it has weird impacts on all of us
Billionaires use transhumanism to justify human experimentation. As with Musk’s brain implants, so as with the all-drug Olympics.
Fuckin tech priests 😒
Probably the least controversial thing Peter Thiel is a part of.
Eddie Izzard - Stoned Olympics
Smoke a joint and win the hundred meters? Well, fair play to you.
(Eddie is now Susie but for the clarity of the link, I used the name under which she performed the sketch)
One of the most evil people alive wants others to destroy their bodies for his entertainment? How novel.
Forget drugs, we should arm the contestants.
I always thought baseball would be a lot more fun if the batter got to keep his bat with him as he ran around the bases.
Now we’re talking. Give us Base Wars! Hoverbot with a laser sword rounding third.
It’s no surprise that Peter Thiel, who is an actual vampire, is interested in doping athletes. He’s been a sketchy billionaire for so long he forgets not to say the bad things in public.