Spoken like someone who didn’t read Heretics and Chapterhouse. Those are definitely the most movie-adaptable of the entire series. Perfect balance between action, philosophy and sex for a great movie or series.
I might have enjoyed Children of Dune more than the first, but yeah the rest weren’t great IMO, not sure how Denis is gonna work with Messiah, I really struggled with that book.
The only good Dune book is the first book. So it will be interesting to see how this turns out.
Spoken like someone who didn’t read Heretics and Chapterhouse. Those are definitely the most movie-adaptable of the entire series. Perfect balance between action, philosophy and sex for a great movie or series.
I look forward to seeing the CGI worm body with Timothy Chalmet’s head atop it.
Paul didn’t transform into the worm. That was his son, Leto II.
movies are frequently tweaked from books they are based on, so that doesn’t matter too much.
I might have enjoyed Children of Dune more than the first, but yeah the rest weren’t great IMO, not sure how Denis is gonna work with Messiah, I really struggled with that book.
The first book is the best but God Emperor of Dune is really good. Chapter House would make a great movie as well.
Children of Dune is imo the worst of the Frank Herbert Dune books. That’s going to be tough to adapt well.