A convoy of vehicles headed to Texas, organized by a group called “Take Our Border Back,” has had a chaotic start, including slashed tires and a stranded participant, according to WIRED.
Organizers of the convoy, one of whom described it as “God’s army,” per Vice, had aspirations of mobilizing tens of thousands of trucks to stop migrants from crossing the Texas-Mexico border into the US.
But despite an influx of donations, plenty of media attention, and a growing social media following, things haven’t gone exactly to plan.
According to WIRED, it all started to go wrong even before the convoy had set off.
Some attendees woke up to find the tires of their cars slashed outside a hotel they’d been staying at, one of the convoy’s live-streamers said, per WIRED.
I wonder what kind of jobs these chuckleheads have that they can just skip work for a week-long LARP. No wonder they are afraid of immigrants, immigrants work harder than these losers.
You know the answer. Theyre on social security. Storytime. I have a psyho trump flag ultra maga neighbor. Has a bumpersticker “Silly liberal, paychecks are for people with jobs”. This was before his car was reposessed recently and now he bums rides off neighbors. Of course hes like 80 years old long since retired and has never gone to work once in the 8 years Ive known him. The county provided free senior bus picks him up once a week to go get groceries. The church bus picks him up on sundays. Seems his only purpose in life is hanging his fuck you flags in the morning, taking them down at night and walking his dog. Btw, he lives in absolute hoarder squalor and his trailer is collapsing around him. When he dies theyll have to demolish it, its beyond repair. I see all this as my wife and I leave for work every morning.
I sense real “Keep government out of my Medicare” vibes with that one
I shouldn’t be surprised anymore, but are there actually people that think this?
Yes, there are. It was a meme before we even knew what memes were.
Don’t forget that one actor dipshit with the interview line like, “I was on food-stamps! Did anyone help me? Hell no!”
God damn it
Your neighbor sounds like the average MAGA airhead:
Nothing good in his life, so everyone else has to suffer as well.
Classic need for mental heath care. It’s not just about medication, it’s about understanding that you can feel better than “good enough”
I get the crazy trumper hate and stupidity 100% I wish everyone could see him for what he is and stop following blindly thinking he cares about anyone but himself.
But an 80yo shouldn’t have to work or have had to work for the last 8 years. He should be collecting SS, and should not have to live in absolute squalor. But we (as a whole in America) don’t care about mental health or old people, it’s not profitable.
The loving trump stuff can be tied to him not being mentally sound but it shouldn’t have anything to do with an 80yo getting money he likely paid into SS back out in retirement.
I dont begrudge him his social security or retirement one bit. He deserves it, we all deserve it. Im pointing out the hypocrisy of having a “Silly liberal, paychecks are for people with jobs” while being unemployed and living on the dole. Both things exist.
Yeah, but this is the sort of dumbfuck who has voted for politicians who dismantle and oppose social safety nets all his life.
It’s possible he prefers to live simply, because he is actively investing in DWAC and Trump NFTs…
See my comment about mental health :)
They don’t. They collect unemployment and/or disability from the government. Such entitled snowflakes.
It’s just a group of cops that are currently under investigation, so they have some free time
I guess any job with vacation time? I’m not doing any of their convoy bullshit of course, but if I wanted to I could use PTO to take a week off.
They aren’t employed
Weren’t migrants causing disaster in new York city? I saw it on YouTube :(
This has already been posted, but I have to share the part of this article that made me laugh the hardest, which would be at the end of this paragraph:
Almost immediately, one of the vehicles in the convoy got lost, according to messages posted in the Zello walkie-talkie app that the group is using to communicate while on the road. Later, when the convoy linked up to discuss evening plans, the meeting quickly descended into an argument about where they were going to be staying. Even trying to meet up at a gas station was difficult: Due to the size of a Buc-ee’s in South Carolina, convoy members couldn’t locate each other.
So it’s a… Convoy of Babel?
Considering it started with a prayer for guidance and they immediately got lost, I supposed the idea that they angered a vengeful god wouldn’t be too out there…
Sounds like this was part of gods plan 😂
Thoughts and prayers
Yeah but which god? The christian god of the crazy maga people or the Catholic god of the immigrants?
Why not both?
Well they’re Republicans. The closer they get to actually having to put their words into actions, they freak the fuck out because they know it’ll be nothing but a disaster. They’re probably slashing their own tires and blaming Antifa
Could be, though I do really hope that this was locals fucking up their plan.
Looking at this, seems like God is against them.
But I am an Atheist. Maybe God treats his followers like this…for fun?
I need a Deadwood rewatch.
In the middle of that myself. :)
How do you like it?
Seen it about 20 times and it just gets better and better with every watch. :)
It’s the best written TV show I’ve seen. Milch doesn’t get the credit he deserves.
True. I’m still pissed at HBO blowing off a season 4 in the way they did.
My 2 favs are Deadwood and The Wire. Both are just top notch shows.
Job enters the chat
“God is testing them” is their usual excuse when things don’t go their way.
This headline is the opposite of clickbait. The details are amazing!
"WIRED reported that, at one point, the convoy’s main bus pulled over onto a highway shoulder and kicked out one of the passengers.
It was unclear why the man was ejected, but he was left stranded in Florence, South Carolina, without his wallet, according to details from a livestream of someone in contact with the man."
Imagine the sort of piece of shit you’d have to be to first want to join in on this (and not in an undercover journalist sort of way) and then get rejected by them.
My guess is that he wasn’t a big enough piece of shit, probably objected to pulling a full Greg Abbot at the border.
Never go full Abbott.
Seems like God doesn’t want “his” army getting anywhere.
He tends to do that. See the history of his “chosen people,” the Jews.
Anyone who can afford to go on a “save the boarders” escapade (which is purely political grand standing) and not have it disrupt their entire life making them essentially homeless… does not represent me.
And anyone actively blocking poor migrants from getting help is not “gods army” they’re fucking psychos.
I mean I would think calling yourself God’s Army already implies you’re psycho.
That’s fair.
Sounds about what I expect from religion
I’d be fine with saving boarders, they don’t have anywhere else to stay.
Sorry about that. It was worth the unintended lols, though.
I’m always wondering how these whackjobs are able to sustain this shit? Are they taking the little vacation the get to do this shit? Or are they on unemployment? Absolutely bananas.
Oh yeah but let me tell you about those welfare queens abusing all of my taxes.
Churches, inheritance, small businesses owners, retirees, and rubes who’ve made it their life grifting.
Divorced, kids don’t talk to them, and on disability. Leaves them plenty of time. Chris Simcox is a really good example.
It’s them FBI agents who slashed those tires! Darn federal gubrnment!!!
Taylor Swift did it, I saw her!
The highly organized and massive population of the TSFC (Taylor swift fan club) coordinated this attack via discord and TikTok.
Are we sure the tires were really slashed in the first place? They don’t have a good track record on that.
Lol goddamn.
How exactly the convoy plans to confront migrants at the border and stop them from entering the US remains unclear.
Well, I assume that those nut jobs are carrying an arsenal “just because they can”. So they should be treated as armed and dangerous criminals once the shit hits the fan.
I’ve always wondered how slashing tires works. In my mind it’s like a balloon that pops, sending the knife flying into my eye or something.
Normal car tires it just deflates really really fast. You can seriously fuck yourself up going after a semi though. There’s a video of a dude in China who tried that. He got blown back several feet, his arm of his jacket was in tatters, and he was bleeding like crazy.
You kinda gotta poke and make a mark and then cut horizontally. The sidewalls of the tire are easier to get through. Also stand back because the air pressure can still fuck you up a bit, especially larger car and truck tires.
I…in mincecraft…never slashed a tire except for the sidewalls and honestly its been like 30 years so iono maybe its harder now? but back then…in minecraft…30 years ago…it was nothing.
Interesting and cool to know! In Minecraft, of course. There are probably varying levels of tire quality. I imagine the quality of the knife probably helps a bit, too. I bet something sturdy like an ice pick would make it pretty easy.
In highschool i worked for a steel shop and they sent me out during a storm to unload a tractor trailer with the forklift, I hadn’t dressed appropriately for the task and the rain that day was cold enough that I passed out temporarily, anyway I punctured a tractor trailer tire, while loaded full of 80,000lbs of steel bar. It exploded, I have no recollection of what happened. They found me half a mile away, collapsed on the side of the road. Truck driver saw me slumped in the seat, went to see if I was ok, tire exploded and then I jerked up, launched myself off the forklift and ran down the road.
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I’m guessing they slashed their own tires so they could post that someone was out to get them. Even though nobody cares enough about them to actually do that.
I’m fine with it either way because at the end of the day they look stupid and they still have to pay for the tires
That’s exactly what I thought when I read this as well. They have to be victims 24/7.
Is there no surveillance video? Would be great if that came out.
Finally, a resistance is starting to wake up in this country. I’ve been left with this belief that the lawless vigilante fascists can do whatever they want and the populace is just too scared to try to stop them.
I’d all but wager on a guarantee that this is no residence. They’re doing this shit to themselves to garner sympathy and victimize themselves in order to justify the shit they know will be sketchy at best and downright criminal at worst.
There is no denying the possibility that this is the case.
This reminds me of the convoy of “protesters” a couple of years ago in Ottawa, except those idiots actually made it to their destination…
Americans seem to be the most clueless about other countries and cultures, while also acting like they know all about them.
But despite an influx of donations, plenty of media attention, and a growing social media following
Wait, how much of the population find a hateful crowd not alarming?