his campaign is already selling t-shirts with the photo on the front and the words “NEVER SURRENDER!” on the back
Didn’t he literally surrender in order to have this mugshot taken?
Could be the most ironic hipster shirt ever made.
You can say what you want about his followers, but intelligence was never among their strong points.
It would be a very funny shirt if some people were smart enough to not think you agree with them while wearing it.
The real money maker is selling a very similar shirt that says “surrendered” on the mug.
“Cheap Trick”
Trumpcriticizestrump coming from trump himself. Well he isn’t known for being smart or capable.
Apparently he’s already selling t-shirts with this picture on it. Never a missed opportunity.
What?! You mean he already gave up on NFTs?
@Sinnerman @HLMenckenFan @papalonian
Orange isn’t in style anymore.
Grifters gonna grift. Since donnie is a fan of Adolf’s, he probably knows that he did a stint in prison too.
Reminds me of ‘Colonel’ Tom Parker selling anti Elvis merch to the protesters outside the concerts.
You’d be an idiot not to. That was the very first thing I thought of.
Well, if there’s one thing you can say about entrepreneurs, they sure can be quick to seize an opportunity. T-shirts of someone’s mugshot, huh? Now, that’s unexpected. People really do have different ways to show their support or even turn political events into merchandising opportunities. Surprising, yet no surprise there.
Perfect headline. Donnie surrenders and mugshot is released.
Just perfect. Now if they could have just slapped cuffs on him and put him in prison until his trial…
A better headline would mention he’s a one term president. I always love when I see “one term president” instead of “former president” like you usually see. Maybe also throw in how few one term presidents there have been for extra spice.
I do like when they mention how many times he’s been indicted, too.
Let’s hope this doesn’t age like milk like Obama’s “at least I was president” joke/comment did
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He looks terrible.
Ngl I was
expectinghoping for worseDo they not do the height measure backdrop and the name placard anymore?
I actually think it’s a good shot, he looks defiant. I very much think he is a terrible human, though
Why does this look like bad AI?
Never forget, that the religious right thinks that this is the anti-Christ while this is their savoir
get fucked shit troll
That’s hilarious, he extended his neck forward to gain a jawline as if he were in a photo op.
The dude has been in front of a camera for most of his life. I guarantee he practiced this look and studied the lighting and angle of the other 8-9 people’s mugshots he saw. He knew the best angle.
I’m sure his big quandary was whether to smile or not.
More like the people taking the shot are Trumpers.
I would not be surprised if he worked with someone to come up with the perfect shot. Some photographer, or stylist or whatever, and then he didn’t pay them
Trying to summon his Dark Brandon?
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Looks like he’s trying to hold in a turtle head.
That pic shows his true face, his real, unvarnished contempt for the law.
He’s not smiling.
Hold those tears back Donnie your a big boy now.
Our education system is seriously lacking teachers, you have what it takes to make a difference.
Yes, thank you I am also a big boy!
Be strong for mother
Pence hasn’t been arrested, has he?
Hopefully he goes full state witness!
he needs to be holding up the nixon victory fingers while saying he is not a crook.
That picture looks like a new mixtape was dropped by Donnie JT.
Can someone tell me specifically what Trump did to cause this issue? Linking to a non-biased article works too. I’ve tried googling it but keep coming up on articles that feel somewhat biased. I am looking for a list of legal/constitutional violations if possible. I promise I am not trolling i am just a citizen trying to stay informed. Thank you so much for your help.
PBS links the full indictment here. It includes a summary that may or may not “feel” too biased for you, but you can skip it and go straight to the source PDF.
Thank you!
Here’s the formal charging document: https://d3i6fh83elv35t.cloudfront.net/static/2023/08/CRIMINAL-INDICTMENT-Trump-Fulton-County-GA.pdf
It spells out the accused violations that are before a court of law to rule on.
Trump Charges
In addition to RICO charges, Trump is additionally charged with 12 other criminal counts, including:
- Soliciting a public officer to violate their oath,
- Conspiring to impersonate a public officer,
- Conspiring to commit forgery with false electors,
- Conspiring to commeit false statements,
- Making false statements
- Conspiring to file false documents
Thank you! I really appreciate it
In short - and that is only the Georgia case - he was trying to overturn the election result by putting pressure on a state secretary in Georgia during a phone call, which was made public, where he was telling that guy (let’s name him “Bob”): ”Hey Bob, just get me those 10,000 votes I am missing somehow…”
I may sound biased, but Trump has absolutely no respect for democratic principles if they are not delivering the results he wants to have. If this guy should get another term, he might be a real threat for American democracy.
Via AP News:
The nearly 100-page indictment details dozens of acts by Trump or his allies to undo his defeat, including beseeching Georgia’s Republican secretary of state to find enough votes for him to win the battleground state; harassing an election worker who faced false claims of fraud; and attempting to persuade Georgia lawmakers to ignore the will of voters and appoint a new slate of electoral college electors favorable to Trump.
In one particularly brazen episode, it also outlines a plot involving one of his lawyers to access voting machines in a rural Georgia county and steal data from a voting machine company.
IF (and that’s a big hypothetical) you are not trolling you are one of the problems our society is living through at the moment.
Lemme be real with you boss, if all the articles you have found feel biased maybe the bias is not in the articles thselves but in you. Maybe you want to find a reliable source disproving the theories of “the left” against the Donald, or an official statement capable of cleaning your cult-leader name.
You won’t. We all listened to the call he made to Georgia State Secretary and we all saw what happened on January the 6th after Donald’ speech.
So IF you are not trolling Stop, revise your approach to the issue and check whether the bias is in or outside you from an objective point of view. Then keep looking for facts and information
The other dude is fine, youre one of the problems of pur society right now.
Learn how to write in plain English language and then come back to me with a more enticing argument than “no u” my dude.
You’re* another problem of our* society
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Oh dear, I’m mean to people defending a con man who tried to steal an election to keep his grip on power.
I must be a really bad person, I’m sorry to have disappointmented you.
Why can’t any of you write using a correct English? I’m Italian and I at least try to write words with their correct forms, does the Kremlin no longer provides English courses with its troll farm employment opportunities?
acorrect English?Does the Kremlin no longer provide
sEnglish opportunities.If you’re gonna be rude to other people about their English, maybe don’t fuck up in your own comment.
As I said I’m Italian and I use the Italian version of Google keyboard which sometimes fucks up by itself.
Thanks for the thought tho, I’ll try to revise my messages better before sending them out from now on
You cling to this obsession with proper English. It’s very strange. We are communicating and understanding each other. It’s unbecoming of someone to act the way you are right now.
If you want to talk about communication ability, your comprehension skills are worrisome. No one here is defending a con man. You’re extremely angry, please reflect on that.
So the fact that the op was “unable to find any article related to the Trump indictment without bias” should be treated a “reasonable” stance?
Sorry, you wannabe centrists wasted too much of our patience and caused too much of our current problems to be treated kindly and with white gloves.
I’m extremely angry because you cause extreme anger in me with your false calm aptitude when discussing a con man and his deeds. Would you have been a normal person you would feel anger too towards such a scum, the fact that you are not angry about an almost robbed election should be worrisome. And you still have the nerve if calling my stance unbecoming.
Go fuck yourself, but kindly
Don’t look for unbiased sources. Those are nigh impossible to find. Instead, pick the facts out of the biased sources. Then dig into the implication of those facts.
For instance, it is a fact Obama wore a tan suit. Then some news sources and biased actors went off the fucking rails at how awful it was. It was such a sore spot for them, it garnered its very own Wikipedia article. And what is the implication of a tan suit? Nothing.
So you can look at those biased sources and ignore any apocalyptic prophesying. Find the facts. Not the fluff.
You can always check out mediabiasfactcheck if you’re worried an article is too biased. It’ll tell you how biased and if it’s a left or right wing bias. Bias now looks and sounds wrong.
It’s good to see you’re awake! Once you’re done reading the indictment(s) you should Google covid-19. That shit was wild!
Thanks! Yeah it’s been tough adjusting to how different everything is now.