How are you? Better now with this Star Wars movie update, frankly.
My fondness for the new trilogy has not improved over time as it did for the prequels. Revenge of the Sith is my favorite.
The first one was good. Then everything took a turn for the stupid.
The first one also ruined the series by going back to rebels vs empire for no reason.
And the first one was only good because it did a (smart, in my opinion) calculated retread of the plot of A New Hope.
Honestly that was the main thing I hated as it truly showed they couldn’t come up with anything better.
I just couldn’t believe it when I was in theatre and they squeezed in a death start destruction ending.
I wanted to rip the movie apart but the group I was with was fond of it, confused the hell out of me.
You can tell everyone in this thread is younger than me by the amount of prequel love.
Its because George Lucas knew that inorder to keep the series rolling he had to attract the kids of the fans the films already had. In that measure he succeded, (looking at you Jar-Jar) the new films failed because they bring nothing new to the table and repeat the same formula from the original trilogy with all the bland “written by committie” the Hollywoo has been making as of late.
The movies are decebt, but the world building/games/tv shows that got spun off from it we’re more than worth it in my opinion.
I think people remember the prequels so fondly because it was a time when star wars felt big and was expanding. The issue with the Sequels is that it actually shrunk the galaxy.
Yup, IMO there are 3 great SW films and a lot if drek.
Damn, they’ve got yellow lightsabers now? It really is the future, a long time ago
Yellow light sabers were at least already present for Jedi Knight 3: Jedi Academy in 2003, likely already earlier.
Kyle Katarn was using a yellow one in the '90s if I remember correctly…
KotOR also had them in 2003. The color was associated with your class, and all of that came from the tabletop RPG.
Honestly I’ve only seen the prequels 🤷♂️
Here is an unpopular opinion, let Star Wars die in peace, nothing is stopping you from making new universes just like Lucas did with the originals.
They’d have to really make a fantastic story to get me into anything sequel related. Only era of star wars I couldn’t care less about. I love the prequels and everything between 6 and 7 too (The OG trilogy isn’t even my favourite set of films). But once 7 comes around… Snore
I don’t get the hate. Time marches on. Shit changes. Getting hung up on old shit is lead paint boomer shit as far as I’m concerned.
I’ve walked away from plenty of stuff I used to love because it moved beyond me. But that’s just the way things work. I despise modern cars. But hating them isn’t my entire personality.
Yup, these are kid’s movies and if they aren’t landing like they once did that might ge because you are not a child.
Get it, that was what Hans Solo said during that Star Wars movie!