eat shit Nintendo.
I love Nintendo, but seriously, screw them over their handling of their users.
My brother in Christ, you shut down the online service!
How much would it cost them just to keep their own store running? Could not be much on a virtual machine with no content changes. And they won’t need exorbitant capacities. There will be no download waves just because a new game gets on the market, after all.
Based on some similar experience: low millions per year.
Skeleton crew of devs+ITS to keep the lights on, software licensing, hardware costs, customer support, financial oversight, legal oversight and occasional compliance efforts.
Probably a good amount of technical and organizational friction involved, too, for whatever services, knowledge bases, and corporate policies were shared between the Wii U and Switch.
It seems stupid when you compare it to the fact that Pretendo probably pays about 1% as much, but that’s just how businesses work.
From experience I can (sadly!) tell you the effort and money goes up the longer it runs, especially if you keep the maintenance low.
Nintendo only remembers the Wii U to tell us we should have stopped using it for years by now.
Fuck that. The only console that had less official support from them than the Wii U was probably freaking Virtual Boy,
I ripped all of my GC, Wii and Wii U discs and injected them on an external drive as Wii U apps. I’ll probably try the third party online thing one day. Thank you for reminding me they exist.
Didn’t they shut down their own Wii U servers?
That’s the point, planned obsolescence.
Shut down the Wii U online services to force people to buy newer hardware. If people create their own “unauthorized” services then, in their eyes, they’re losing sales.
I imagine it’s not too long before the software starts including an end of life date that bricks devices after a certain date.yes
Then they can fuck off.
Nintendo: Remember kids, you bought the console, but we decide how you use it.
This is just them covering their butts from bad publicity or a law suit. They are telling you that their tech support will not help you use an unauthorized online server and if you get hacked, it is your own fault. Nothing particularly weird about it. No more than just about every piece of free software includes a document explaining that the software does not include a warranty.
Pretty sure this guy’s not actually a velociraptor. He probably watched Jurassic Park. But the thing is, that movie took some… ahem …“liberties” with facts about dinosaurs.
Most people hear “velociraptor” and think 6 foot tall lizardy looking dinosaurs that can open doors. But in reality, it’s more like 2-3 feet tall, kind of bird like in both appearance and behavior.
That kid who said it’s like a 6 foot turkey would have actually been accurate if he had said like a turkey. Just…a regular ol turkey, except with teeth, and carnivorous. Still a terrifying thing to stumble on in the wild, as they were pack hunters. Now imagine a turkey with teeth hunting you. Except it’s like 15 of the fuckers.
So yeah. This guy probably ISN’T a velociraptor. He’s probably a Utah raptor. Which is what Jurassic Park based almost everything on.
Now, all that being said, fuck you Nintendo! You shut down the servers! I’d LOVE to have MiiVerse and online services through your official services…BUT THAT’S NOT ON THE TABLE, NOW IS IT YOU NARSASITIC ASSHOLES!
Thanks for pointing the Jurassic Park inaccuracy! Indeed we…er the Velociraptors were not as depicted in that film,
wethey were covered in feathers and much more similar to a modern turkey both in size and aspect than to what you see in the film. By the size of it, the film probably depicted a Deinonychus, which was another dromaeosaurid of a size that went up to 3 mt (roughly 11 ft).The Utahraptor, another dromaeosaurid, was double that size, making it too big to what the film calls a Velociraptor.
Yeah, but think about how cool the word velociraptor sounds… so really… they were probably right, and science is just gonna have to take the L on this one. Rename all the stuff so that retroactively jurassic park is right. Problem solved.
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